Category: Leadership Coaching

Busting the Myth: GREAT LEADERS are BORN, not MADE

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, one prevailing myth often acts as an unseen barrier to professional development: the notion that great leaders are born, not made. This belief suggests that leadership prowess is an inherent trait, not something that can be intentionally developed through learning and effort. Debunking the Myth: Leaders Are Made, Not […]

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The Top 3 Leadership Trends for 2023

  In the year 2023, we are going to see a lot of changes in leadership. With new technologies and a changing environment constantly demanding new levels of performance from business professionals, leadership development will undergo major shifts in direction. In this increasingly complex environment, leaders must navigate through challenges and opportunities while building successful […]

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10 Ways Successful People Think Differently about Money Do you want to be rich? The starting step is to see how the wealthy and successful people think differently about money. If you want to be successful with money, you need to change your mindset. Here’s how successful people do it. 1. They spend after they […]

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How do you define Success

Well, is there anyone in this world who doesn’t love the smell of s-u-c-c-e-s-s?! Everyone is in the pursuit of money, power, relationships and a myriad of things – all associated with success, but no one ever stops to pause and wonder what really is success? Success ironically can mean different things to different people. […]

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